Friday, November 18, 2016

Week of November 14th

Image result for happy thanksgiving

We completed Unit 2 in Wonders with the essential question: What do we love about animals? We found the answer to this question using the genre of poetry. Poems have rhyming and rhythm. Our poems were about beetles, camels, bats and a gray goose. Possessive nouns were our grammar topic for the week. With the two days next week, we will wait to start Unit 3- The Earth's Forces.

Topic 5 in Envisions has been using strategies we learned to add to subtract like 100's chart, open number line and break-apart. We will take the Topic 5 Assessment after the break. We will also be completing the review sheet in school and sending it home then to review any missed skills/questions. Topic 6 is a continuation of subtraction so we will continue to practice and review 2 digit subtraction with and without borrowing.

Our biography unit is here to STAY! Students had time to explore many different famous Americans. Hopefully next week, we will be choosing the individuals that students will be researching and presenting at February's Wax Museum. All of the research and writing will happen at school! But I will let you know who your child has chosen. This week, we learned about Rosa Parks and completed a timeline of her life. Students will be making a timeline to go along with their person.

A technology skill that we have been practicing in the classroom and computer lab is Google Docs. The students are LOVING it! Next week, we will have a class set of Chrome books to use in the morning which we are excited for!

Upcoming Events:

* Student Council is still collecting items for Kisses From Heaven. HERE is some more information.

* Marco Pizza Night is the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, November 29th. This is 2nd-4th grade pizza night so pizza orders will come in boxes decorated by the students. So by Tuesday, you will be sick of leftovers but still not want to have to cook! Pizza it is!

* Just 2 days next week! Thanksgiving break is from Wednesday, November 23rd to Sunday, November 27th. I am very thankful for you and your children.

Thanks to the moms, grandmas and aunts who were able to be a part of the Muffins with Moms! and support the Scholastic Book Fair!

Marissa Wilhelm

Friday, November 11, 2016

Week of November 7th

Image result for election clip art

We took advantage of the election and spoke about the role and responsibilities of being the president. We had our own election. The candidates were an Oreo and a sugar cookie! The winner by a landslide was the sugar cookie! In social studies, we were introduced to biographies. Students will be choosing an individual to research and present at the Wax Museum in February. This is a large assignment so we are getting a head start now. We also took a few minutes to remember veterans and the sacrifices that they and their families have made. 

Topic 4 is complete and we are beginning Topic 5- Subtracting Within 100 Using Strategies. These will include breaking apart numbers, using a hundred chart, and an open number line. Also, we will also analyze information to model and solve one and two-step word problems. 

In E.L.A., we learned How are offspring like their parents? We read Eagles & Eaglets and Baby Bears. We also looked at a life cycle of both plants and animals. Our new FUNdations unit is the vowel-consonant-e syllable like words like froze, ride and shake. We made a sneaky bandit e who likes to sneak up and pinch the first vowel. When he does that, the vowel yells his name!

Next Week:

* Muffins with Mom is next week. Last names A-M is on Wednesday and Last names N-Z is on Thursday.
* Scholastic Book Fair is all week- We will be previewing it on Tuesday and making our wishlists.

Marissa Wilhelm 

Friday, November 4, 2016

Week of October 31st

We started the week off with our Halloween party & parade. Thank you for those who were able to come and those who sent in supplies. We had some spooky, scary, strong, sporty and nerdy costumes! Everyone was a bit tired on Tuesday!! For Fire Safety Month, an Avon Lake fireman came and talked to us about how to be safe at home and school. Just like we practice a plan at school, students were encouraged to have a safety and evacuation plan at home.

This week's Reading essential questions was What are features of different animal habitats? The three habitats that we read about were a prairie, the ocean and the river. Each habitat provides a home for plants and animals. Their needs including food and shelter are met in their habitats. In the prairie, prairie dogs build burrows as a form of shelter. The burrows have rooms just like a house! We built a large burrow on a classroom wall to illustrate the habitat. 

Students are bringing home the Topic 4 Review today. Please return in on Monday so we can review and take the assessment Tuesday. Here is the Answer Key :) 

Upcoming Events:

* Muffins With Moms On November 16th & 17th
PTA will be providing muffins and juice for you to enjoy as you spend time with your child. Please RSVP here

* Book Fair
The hours are:
Tuesday, November 15 3:20pm-5:30 pm
Wednesday, November 16 8:00-9:00 am and 3:20-7:00 pm

Thursday, November 17 8;00-9:00 am and 3:20-7:00 pm

You can shop the Book Fair online too. 

Marissa Wilhelm