Friday, May 10, 2019

Week of May 6th

Image result for may clip art

And just like that is is May and we have 15 days of school LEFT!

The end is quickly approaching! Here are important dates for the remainder of the year:
Monday the 20th: Music Field Trip to the High School @ 9:15
Thursday the 30th: Natural History Museum from 9 to 2
Friday the 31st: Field Day from 1 to 3
Tuesday, June 4th: Last Day of School!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

On field trip to the Natural History Museum is on Thursday May 30th. Students are bringing home the permission form TODAY! There is a $7 cost and it must be paid with a check.

Thank you to PTA for bringing COSI to Redwood. Students loved the hands-on experience that helped us learn about the amazing human body and all of its systems that work together.

Our final topic in math is Data & Graphs. Your child is learning about graphs and organizing data. In this topic, we will learn about bar graphs, line plots, and picture graphs, and how to draw conclusions, make predictions, and solve problems. All graphs no matter the type MUST have a title and a collection of data. A tally chart is an easy way to collect the needed data. When making the graph, precision is needed to allow the graph to easily show the data in an organized way. The assessment will be on Friday the 17th.

Meteorologist Jon Loufman from Channel 19 came to visit and teach us about all things weather. Students learned the atmosphere is an ocean of air, many weather words are Greek and all about different weather tools. Also, as a part of our weather unit Ms. Hamker visited us and taught us how we need to use text features (headings, captions, vocabulary, photos) to understand nonfictions. Then students had to become an expert on their section of  weather book and had to teach their group what they learned.

Our essential question for the week went along with our weather unit as it asked How does energy work? One story was about the power of water. Another story taught about pedal power and how a bicycle can create enough power to run small appliances like a blender and hairdryer. Power can come from coal, wind, water and the sun. The skill of the week was author's purpose and using the clues to determine why the author wrote the story. Students asked themselves if the story taught them something with information? asked them to do/buy something? or a story made for enjoyment? In FUNdations, we are reviewing vowel teams a (ai & ay) and e (ee, ea, ey). When 2 vowels go a walking, the first vowel does the talking. Adjectives were the grammar skill of the week.

In Economics, students learned what a good and service are. Then, we played a game to practice where good and services come from. Finally students completed a project with Service Street & Good Avenue where they listed business that provided goods (Target, Taco Bell & Home Depot) and Services (Great Clips, Post Office & Car Wash). Students had a great discussion that sometimes a business can provide BOTH goods and services.

Mr. Ebert sent out an email today announcing that he will not be returning to Redwood next year. What an exciting opportunity he has and so close to home! We are excited for him and his family but are sad to see him go. He has done so much for Redwood the last 8 years and we are grateful for his time, excitement and hard work.

Marissa Wilhelm