I hope that everyone is having a enjoyable, fall weekend. Hopefully, you were able to attended the Pumpkin festival as I know the raffle prizes were AMAZING!
As one student said, we had a Black Friday as we lost electricity at the end of the day. But the windows provided enough light that we finished the week strong. And our dismissal felt like a well lit airport runway!
Topic 3 is complete. Overall, students have been successful with adding 2 2-digit numbers. Everyone found a strategy that they preferred and practiced. Topic 4 continues addition with 2 digit numbers and becoming fluent using place value, properties of operations and the relationship between addition and subtraction. Strategies include partial sums and regrouping (traditional addition with columns and carrying like you learned addition!)
The 2nd Unit of Wonders is Animal Discoveries with the essential question- How do animals play a part in the world around us? This week we discussed How do animals survive? We learned about how animals must adapt to their climate. Ths included stories about a boy visiting his grandma in a desert, a girl learning to be a musher and taking her first run with her snow dogs and a nonfiction comparison of a husky and a fox. We have started our next writing piece of a Personal Narrative with the initial graphic organizer that listed in one sentence or less the beginning, middle and end. Next week, we will take the sentence and stretch it out to expanded the events of the story so the end result will be a 3 paragraph writing piece. Our next Fundations unit is Unit 5 with multi-syllabic words with prefixes and suffixes. This will be a 2 week unit.
Next Week:
* Wednesday will be our final Walk On Wednesday. The theme has two parts. The first is the donation of any used tennis shoes in good condition. Also, it is walk with a friend so if you or a family member are available we would love to have you join us and walk. We start around 9:15 and walk for about 15 minutes.
* Halloween party is on Monday, October 31st. We will start the party right at 8:50 with the parade starting at around 9. We will party until the parade reaches us and finish up after the parade. All are welcome! Please have students wear their costumes to school and have a change of clothes for after. We do have gym after the parade!
If we talked at conferences about additional resources, I am working to gather them and will have them to you this week.
Marissa Wilhelm