You are looking at the proud winners of The Golden Sneakers! The quietest class in the halls this week!
We were having some fun with arrays this week for Topic 2. We made play-doh arrays, sticker arrays and cereal arrays! Students need to make sure that their parts of the array are always equal (5+5+5, 2+2, 7+7+7). Topic 2 Assessment will be on Thursday, September 28th. The review sheet will go home Monday and need to be back on Wednesday. It is a short unit so just a single page front and back review.
Our first official friendly letter will be written appropriately to a friend in the classroom. This week, students were assigned a friend and had to brainstorm 3 or more details that they wanted to share in their letter. We discussed the importance of also including questions in your letter so your friend will know to write back! Our essential question for the week was How do we care for animals? We identified 3 basic needs including food/water, shelter and grooming. In our story Taking Care of Pepper, Jake told of all of the hard work it took to care for his pet horse. He had to get up at 5 a.m. to do chores before school and returned in the evening after homework for more chores. In Lola & Tiva: An Unlikely Friendship, we learned a true story about who had always wanted a pet dog until she moved to Africa with her family and discovered that a rhinoceros would make a better pet! I apologize know if your child starts asking to have a rhino, giraffe or monkey as a pet! Our skill for the week was Key Details and how in a nonfiction book those can be found in words and pictures. Students learned that a caption is the words that describe a picture.
We had buddies this week with Ms. Patten's 3rd grade class and celebrated the beginning of fall. Students went on a scavenger hunt to find items within nature including our eagle's nest. During extra media time this week, all students were able to log-on to Goggle Classroom. Throughout the year, we will use Goggle Classroom as a place were students can write, edit and share their work. It was hard the first time but will get easier each time we use it. Next week, students will have the most up to date log-in sheet in their binders. It will contain all of their information to use a variety of sites at school and home. Please keep this in their binders so if can be used at home & school.
Picture Day is Wednesday so students need to wear their smiles!
Happy Fall!
Marissa Wilhelm