Friday, September 21, 2018

Week of September 17th

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Next week is Homecoming Spirit Week!
Monday is workout gear.
Tuesday is Jersey Day.
Wednesday is Picture Day.
Thursday is Throwback Day.
Friday is Extreme Maroon & Gold.

We are ALREADY done with Topic 2! So on Monday, we will complete & check the review in class. Students will bring it home and you can look over missed problems before the test on Wednesday.

This week our essential question was how can a pet be a friend? One story was about a boy named Jake who wrote in his diary about wanting a dog. In another story, Not Norman, a boy was convinced that he wanted to get rid of his pet fish. But then he realized that his fish was a good listener and brave. Our strategy for the week was asking & answering questions. In FUNdations, we learned the bonus letters f, l and s. When those letters come at the end of a one syllable word, they are doubled like in puff, will and mess. We are working on writing a friendly letters to our buddies in Mrs. Harcula's class at Erieview.

Omega Man made a visit to Redwood to teach us how to be a Dream Maker NOT Dream Breakers. Hero stands for Helping Everyone Respect Others. In Social studies we ready Do Unto Otters and learned how we should treat others. Our Scholastic news was about making new friends by saying hi and asking for help.

Sign-Up for conference HERE. Let me know if the day/time doesn't work.

Picture Day is Wednesday!!!

Marissa Wilhelm

P.S. Please remember to provide a note if your child is going home with someone or if someone is coming home with you :)